The anime has a classic shounen setting, with our avg schoolboy gets tremendous power and has to save the world, from the apocalypse. But the power of the protagonist is that he can draw out manifestations of peoples heart, or “voids”, voids could be anything, a material, a weapon, an item, anything, which represent the person's qualities and personality. And the reason for their voids is explained pretty well in the anime. The protagonist joins a resistance group who wish to overthrow the military force ruling the nation. Now coming to major points. Firstly yes the protagonist takes time to finally understand what is happening, and whimpers out in the start, but mans up soon enough. It is good, and well-presented character development, at least of the protagonist which shows who he was when it started vs who he “had” to be in the middle, and who he became towards the end. So good character development. The story, however, builds up to something big, something big happens bu...
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